Comedians and Improvisers

Many comedians possess the trait of emotional sensitivity. The ability to sense how others feel and to be observant of the environment is how you create that comedy gold! At the same time, this trait of emotional sensitivity can make the ups and downs of being an artist feel even more intense. You may feel drained and overwhelmed. Maybe you have noticed that you are doing things that you know aren't very helpful (Drinking too much after a show? Binge watching instead of writing? “Forgetting” to call back loved ones?), but you keep doing those things because it just feels easier at the moment. 

Comedy is a beautiful thing and SO NEEDED in this world that we inhabit. Comedians need to take care of themselves in order to create art and bring laughter to others. In therapy with me, you will learn tools to navigate your relationship to your emotions and thoughts to help you understand what is getting in the way of living the life you want to live. Additionally, you will have a space to process the unique challenges faced in the entertainment industry. I will integrate tools from the drama therapy and psychology world to help you in all the domains of your life: work, relationships, health, and play.

My experience as an improvisor allows me to bring a “yes-and” flavor to the therapeutic space (dorky… I know… but that’s my vibe). The thing is… I get it, which can be both validating and normalizing for you. At the very least, you will hopefully get some great material out of our sessions!

Maybe you've read some self-help books and talked to friends about your big emotional responses, but things aren't changing. You need an expert who truly knows what it takes to help you not only find relief but to find your way into a better life.

Sign up for Valued Living: A Workshop for Comedians

Hi, I'm Dr. MK!

I am an inquisitive, playful, warm, creative arts therapist and psychologist who will empower you to live the life you WANT to live. I provide care for individuals who may experience emotions that feel out of control, engage in behaviors that make things worse, worry about what others are feeling and thinking, and feel exhausted in life.

I help feelers live a purposeful and vital life by providing them with skills to change their relationships to their thoughts and feelings. Most of the clients I work with have the “problem” of letting their own private experiences (thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, memories, urges, traumas) dictate how they live their life. I’m here to empower you to live the life you WANT to live.

What makes me different: I understand how painful and overwhelming it can be to navigate big feelings on a daily basis. In addition to validating your feelings, I bring in humor, hope, and tools to support you in navigating the rollercoaster that we call life.

My services are unique and effective because they are action-oriented. Sometimes it’s not enough to talk through things—we may feel stuck. Sometimes it’s too much to talk through things—we may feel overwhelmed. Sometimes we just need to act in order to get to where we want to go.